Pieces of glass are like little bits of Heaven. Follow my growth, my learning curve, my trail of bandaid wrappers as I foil and solder my way through retirement.
The center panel is all cut out. The mane gave me a few "moments" as I cut one piece on the texture side, which is the wrong side and had to re-do it. I'll also make a minor adjustment to one eye, so the lion looks more serious and less cartoonish.
I won't be able to start foiling until Monday.
The lion is cut out, except for the mane. I think one more full day of cutting should do it for this panel. Sleep mighty lion. Tomorrow is another day.
I wanted to start this window with the center panel. That way I could get the lion's color placement and grain in the right places...I hope. The border went in first, then the grass. Today I finished the lamb and began the lion.
The last several days have been spent celebrating Independence Day with family. I already had the pattern for the Lion and The Lamb window printed out, taped together and ready to go. Today I put the center panel on the work table and started the glass placement. The grass in the foreground is solidly placed, but I'm still fussing with the background grass.